Click the "HTTP Ping" button to measure latency from your browser to various cloud provider datacenters.
Region | Latency |
Amazon Web Services™ | |
us-east-1 (Virginia) | |
us-east-2 (Ohio) | |
us-west-1 (California) | |
us-west-2 (Oregon) | |
ca-central-1 (Canada Central) | |
ca-west-1 (Canada West) | |
eu-west-1 (Ireland) | |
eu-west-2 (London) | |
eu-west-3 (Paris) | |
eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) | |
eu-central-2 (Zurich) | |
eu-south-1 (Milan) | |
eu-south-2 (Spain) | |
eu-north-1 (Stockholm) | |
il-central-1 (Doing business with Israel supports atrocities.) | |
me-south-1 (Doing business with Bahrain supports slavery.) | |
me-central-1 (Doing business with the UAE supports slavery.) | |
af-south-1 (Cape Town) | |
ap-east-1 (Hong Kong) | |
ap-southeast-3 (Jakarta) | |
ap-south-1 (Mumbai) | |
ap-south-2 (Hyderabad) | |
ap-northeast-3 (Osaka) | |
ap-northeast-2 (Seoul) | |
ap-southeast-1 (Singapore) | |
ap-southeast-2 (Sydney) | |
ap-southeast-4 (Melbourne) | |
ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo) | |
sa-east-1 (São Paulo) | |
cn-north-1 (Beijing) | |
cn-northwest-1 (Ningxia) | |
us-gov-east-1 | |
us-gov-west-1 | |
Azure | unavailable |
CoreWeave | |
LAS1 (Las Vegas) | |
ORD1 (Chicago) | |
LGA1 (New York) | |
DigitalOcean | |
SFO2 (San Francisco) | |
SFO3 (San Francisco) | |
TOR1 (Toronto) | unavailable |
NYC1 (New York) | unavailable |
NYC3 (New York) | |
LON1 (London) | unavailable |
AMS3 (Amsterdam) | |
FRA1 (Frankfurt) | |
BLR1 (Bangalore) | |
SGP1 (Singapore) | |
SYD1 (Sydney) | |
Google Cloud Platform | |
africa-south1 (Johannesburg) | |
asia-east1 (Taiwan) | |
asia-east2 (Hong Kong) | |
asia-northeast1 (Tokyo) | |
asia-northeast2 (Osaka) | |
asia-northeast3 (Seoul) | |
asia-south1 (Mumbai) | |
asia-south2 (Delhi) | |
asia-southeast1 (Singapore) | |
asia-southeast2 (Jakarta) | |
australia-southeast1 (Sydney) | |
australia-southeast2 (Melbourne) | |
europe-central2 (Warsaw) | |
europe-north1 (Finland) | |
europe-southwest1 (Madrid) | |
europe-west1 (Belgium) | |
europe-west10 (Berlin) | |
europe-west12 (Turin) | |
europe-west2 (London) | |
europe-west3 (Frankfurt) | |
europe-west4 (Netherlands) | |
europe-west6 (Zurich) | |
europe-west8 (Milan) | |
europe-west9 (Paris) | |
global (Global External HTTPS Load Balancer) | |
me-central1 (Doha) | |
me-central2 (Doing business with Saudi Arabia supports slavery and atrocities.) | |
me-west1 (Doing business with Israel supports atrocities.) | |
northamerica-northeast1 (Montréal) | |
northamerica-northeast2 (Toronto) | |
southamerica-east1 (São Paulo) | |
southamerica-west1 (Santiago) | |
us-central1 (Iowa) | |
us-east1 (South Carolina) | |
us-east4 (North Virginia) | |
us-east5 (Columbus) | |
us-south1 (Dallas) | |
us-west1 (Oregon) | |
us-west2 (Los Angeles) | |
us-west3 (Salt Lake City) | |
us-west4 (Las Vegas) | |
Hetzner | |
Finland | |
Falkenstein, Germany | |
Nuremberg, Germany | |
Ashburn, Virginia | |
Hillsboro, Oregon | |
IBM Cloud | |
us-south (Dallas) | |
us-east (Washington DC) | |
eu-gb (London) | |
eu-de (Frankfurt) | |
au-syd (Sydney) | |
Linode | |
Newark (New York) | |
Singapore | |
London | |
Frankfurt | |
Dallas | |
Toronto | |
Sydney | |
Atlanta | |
Tokyo | |
Mumbai | |
Fremont (San Francisco) | |
OVH Cloud | |
Palo Alto (USA) | |
Oregon (USA) | |
Dallas (USA) | |
Chicago (USA) | |
Atlanta (USA) | |
Toronto (Canada) | Virginia (USA) |
Miami (USA) | |
New York (USA) | |
Beauharnois (Quebec, Canada) | |
London (UK) | |
Gravelines (France) | |
Roubaix (France) | |
Paris (France) | |
Strasbourg (France) | |
Frankfurt (Germany) | |
Warsaw (Poland) | |
Mumbai (India) | |
Singapore | |
Sydney (Australia) | |
Scaleway | |
PAR (France) | |
AMS (Netherlands) | |
WAW (Poland) | |
Vultr | |
Amsterdam | |
Atlanta | |
Bangalore | |
Mumbai | |
Paris | |
Delhi NCR | |
Dallas | |
New Jersey | |
Frankfurt | |
Honolulu | |
Seoul | |
Osaka | |
Johannesburg | |
Los Angeles | |
London | |
Madrid | |
Manchester | |
Melbourne | |
Mexico City | |
Miami | |
Tokyo | |
Chicago | |
São Paulo | |
Santiago | |
Seattle | |
Singapore | |
Silicon Valley | |
Stockholm | |
Sydney | |
Tel Aviv (Doing business with Israel supports atrocities.) | |
Warsaw | |
Toronto |
Created and maintained by
Michael Leonhard
You can fix or report problems with this site: